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Video Bluesbou45 Twitter: Connor Sinann Fight

Viral videos get tons of internet attention. The “Connor Sinann Fight” video shared by Bluesbou45 Twitter is no different. It sparked huge debates across social media about TikTok fitness influencer Connor Sinann.

The bar fight video shows a chaotic physical altercation scene. A guy believed to be Connor gets decked by a powerful punch, crashing to the ground. For a minute, he looks dazed and out of it.

Video Bluesbou45 Twitter: Connor Sinann Fight
Video Bluesbou45 Twitter: Connor Sinann Fight

Connor Sinann is a 26-year-old influencer from LA. He’s big on TikTok with over 410K followers and 36M likes. His content is about gym workouts, healthy living, and martial arts skills.

Connor’s personality and fitness/combat sports expertise make him popular worldwide. He’s a brand ambassador for Retaliation Project sportswear. His active lifestyle fits the brand.

But Connor’s true passion is mixed martial arts (MMA). He’s a huge MMA fan and practitioner. MMA, with its mix of fighting styles, has made him physically and mentally tough. His never-give-up attitude comes from MMA.

Recently, a crazy fight broke out at Prohibition Warehouse bar in LA one Saturday night. A video of the chaos, dubbed the “Connor Sinann fight” by user Bluesbou45 Twitter, went viral online.

In the shaky footage, a group of people are arguing near the bar. Suddenly, punches are thrown, and an all-out brawl erupts. Bodies collide, and furniture flies everywhere in the chaotic scene.

In the middle of the melee is a guy believed to be TikTok star Connor Sinann. The video shows him getting decked by a powerful punch, crashing to the ground. For almost a minute, he looks dazed and out of it amidst the chaos around him.

The viral video, shared widely as the “Connor Sinann fight” by Bluesbou45 Twitter, sparked huge debates online. Some wondered what started the fight, while others questioned if it was really Connor since he’s a famous fitness guy and martial artist.

Connor Sinann Fight
Connor Sinann Fight

Connor has built an image as a fit, martial arts guy promoting healthy living. His online presence and brand deals make him a role model for active, disciplined lifestyles.

But the Prohibition Warehouse fight video raises questions. Seeing him get knocked down hard doesn’t match his skilled martial artist/fitness guru persona.

While the full context is unclear, Connor being involved in such a confrontation is concerning. As an influencer with a big following, his actions impact perceptions and behaviors. Please follow the website “” for more incidents.

Video Bluesbou45 Twitter: Connor Sinann Fight
Video Bluesbou45 Twitter: Connor Sinann Fight
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